Harness the Potential of XS.com.au

2-Letter premium domains as good as XS.com.au don’t come along very often.

We are privileged to be able to offer an incredible opportunity to acquire this domain and associated trademarks. The mode of sale is an expression of interest.

Once sold, it will probably be off the market forever.

Judging by the number of companies, brands and businesses using “XS”, this premium domain has many uses. The untapped potential has to be huge.

Key Points

  • The same registrant has had it for 15 years.
  • Two trademarks – including the very valuable “word” TM for “XS” (almost 10 years old).
  • This compact branding offers an enormous amount of untapped potential.
  • The seller of this domain is motivated to do a fair deal.
  • Outright purchase preferred, though payment terms will be considered
  • Joint priority rights to the .au domain

To express your interest / receive further information, please click below. Confidentiality is assured.